
Citrulline and Arginine Pathway

L-Citrulline: Restoring Erectile Function (Viagra Doesn’t)

As we reported more than a year ago in our February 2010 LMR review — Managing Erectile Dysfunction — When Viagra Doesn’t  — phosphodiasterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, e.g., sildenafil (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis), are ineffective in 30-40% of men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED).  Why? Because the PDE-5 inhibitors help restore erectile function by […]

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Vitamin K2 Structure

Building Bone: Part II: Strong Bones for Life, Naturally

Part II: Strong Bones for Life, Naturally Bone is dynamic, living tissue that is constantly being broken down and rebuilt, even in aging adults. Although insufficient dietary calcium and the postmenopausal drop in estrogen have been singled out as the only issues, osteoporosis involves much more than simply a lack of these factors. Normal bone […]

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Omega-3s, ApoE Genotype and Cognitive Decline

Abstract The most recent statistics indicate that dietary intake of omega-3 PUFA is insufficient in >95% of Americans. Deficits in omega-3s have been shown to contribute to inflammatory signaling, apoptosis, and neuronal dysfunction in all cause dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. DHA (22:6[n-3]), specifically, is a critical contributor to cell structure and function in the nervous […]

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Building Bone: Part I: The Case Against Bisphosphonates

Bisphosphonates Linked to Severe Side Effects, including Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Although prescribed to 30 million Americans each year, the bisphosphonates, a class of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals for the treatment of numerous disorders affecting bone (including osteoporosis, cancer metastases to bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy, and multiple myeloma), have now been linked to significantly increased risk of […]

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Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome

In Adrenal Fatigue, Dr. James Wilson combines a researcher’s grasp of the latest scientific insights into the causes of adrenal dysfunction with an experienced clinician’s practical understanding of its real life impact on patients. The result is a book that successfully bridges the gap between the therapeutic lifestyle changes the research shows must occur to […]

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Healthy Lifestyle

Improvements in Nutrition and Lifestyle Increase Telomerase Activity

Introduction Telomeres, the protective DNA–protein complexes at the end of chromosomes, are required for DNA replication and to protect chromosomes from nuclease degradation, end-to-end fusion, and the initiation of cellular senescence. Since telomeres shorten with each cell division, telomere length is a key indicator of mitotic cell aging and viability. Telomere length has emerged as […]

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y-Tocopherol, but Not a-Tocopherol, Improves Anti-Inflammatory; Decreases Adverse Effects of Aspirins

Nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, are commonly used for pain relief, have consistently been shown to reduce the risk of cancers, and low-dose aspirin is effective in reducing cardiovascular disease risk because of its antithrombotic effect. However, the long-term use of aspirin and other NSAIDs has been hindered by their associated adverse effects, including […]

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The UltraMind Solution: A Functional Medicine Approach to Brain Disorders

Functional Medicine: A 21st Century Systems Biology Approach to Individualized Clinical Care. Dr. Mark Hyman’s latest book, The UltraMind Solution (Scribner’s, 2009) presents a highly convincing argument, backed by hundreds of peer-reviewed studies published within the last five years, for the validity of a functional medicine approach to treating brain disorders of all types. Functional […]

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Slowing Telomere Attrition and Cellular Senescence—Today: Part II

Abstract Cellular senescence, although protective when triggered in cells that have become cancerous, plays a key pathological role in other age-associated diseases and in so-called “healthy aging.” The age-associated increase in cellular senescence has been assumed to result from the cumulative effects of “wear and tear,” but genetic research has revealed that cellular senescence occurs […]

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Slowing Telomere Attrition and Cellular Senescence—Today: Part I

Abstract Cellular senescence, although protective when triggered in cells that have become cancerous, plays a key pathological role in other age-associated diseases and in so-called “healthy aging.” The age-associated increase in cellular senescence has been assumed to result from the cumulative effects of “wear and tear,” but genetic research has revealed that cellular senescence occurs […]

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New Developments in Cannabinoid-Based Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Raphael Mechoulam

(adapted from Mavericks of Medicine by David Jay Brown) Raphael Mechoulam, Ph.D., is the Lionel Jacobson Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he has been working on cannabinoid chemistry (a term he coined) for more than forty years. Dr. Mechoulam is recognized as one of the world’s experts on cannabinoid-based […]

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Vitamin E

Daily Omega-3 Supplement, But Not Statin, Benefits Chronic Heart Failure Patients

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, but not statin drugs, can help patients with chronic heart failure, show two parallel studies conducted for the Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nell’Infarto Miocardico Heart Failure (GISSI-HF) trial and released for early online publication in the Lancet August 31, 2008. Omega-3s’ positive outcomes are especially important since few […]

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Marios Kyriazis

Exploring the Frontiers of Anti-Aging Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Marios Kyriazis

by David Jay Brown, Author of Mavericks of Medicine: Conversations with Creative and Controversial Thinkers who are Changing the Future of Medicine, Smart Publications Marios Kyriazis, M.D., is both a clinician and a researcher in the field of anti-aging medicine. He has made significant contributions in the science and application of anti-aging medicine, and he […]

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Vitamin E

Beyond α-Tocopherol: A Review of Natural Vitamin E’s Therapeutic Potential in Human Health and Disease: Part II

Abstract In Part I of this article, evidence from a wide range of peer-reviewed research, including in vitro and in vivo studies, clinical and randomized controlled trials, epidemiological studies, meta-analyses and reviews, was presented. The case was made that while decreased chronic disease incidence is clearly associated with generous dietary intake of vitamin E (mixed […]

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Lara Pizzorno

Beyond α-Tocopherol: A Review of Natural Vitamin E’s Therapeutic Potential in Human Health and Disease: Part I

Abstract A widely reported meta-analysis, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2005, found that, while doses of vitamin E < 200 IU had no negative effects, high-dose vitamin E, defined as ≥ 400 IU per day, resulted in a small but significant (4%) increase in all-cause mortality. Despite the uncritical press coverage given […]

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Eggplant Cancer Cure

Interview with Dr. Bill Cham, author of the Eggplant Cancer Cure

A member of many Scientific Societies, Dr. Bill Cham is frequently invited to speak at Conferences on his research topics. His research interests cover a wide range of disciplines resulting in publications of over a hundred articles on topics ranging from pharmacology, iron metabolism, mineral research, lipidology and oncology. His research in lipidology starting from […]

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Amyloid Plaque

Alzheimer’s Disease: a 21st Century Epidemic

Abstract Accumulation of amyloid plaque is a common feature not only in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (aka Mad Cow disease), and the dementias associated with Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease, but in the aging brain, brain injury, and certain chronic low grade infections, such as Lyme disease. Amyloid-beta (Abeta or Aβ), a peptide of […]

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Dr. Knoll

An Interview with Joseph Knoll, M.D.

(adapted from Mavericks of Medicine, Smart Publications) Joseph Knoll, M.D., a Hungarian neurochemist and pharmacologist probably best known for developing the drug deprenyl (Selegiline), the first selective monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitor, has researched its properties for more than half a century. Dr. Knoll’s recently published book, The Brain and Its Self: A Neurochemical Concept of […]

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Advanced Glycated End-products (AGEs)

Abstract Advanced glycated end-products (AGEs) form as a result of a non-enzymatic reaction in which glucose forms adducts with proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. AGEs accumulate naturally as a result of chronological aging, but this process is greatly accelerated under conditions of hyperglycemia and oxidative stress. AGEs directly induce cross-linking of long-lived proteins, such as […]

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