
Archive | Osteoporosis

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Vitamin K2: Optimal Levels Essential for the Prevention of Age-Associated Chronic Disease

Abstract Sufficiency of vitamin K, as K2 specifically, is gaining recognition as a requirement for long term health in many more areas of human physiology than previously realized. The breaking research is revealing a number of roles for vitamin K reaching well beyond coagulation to not only long term cardiovascular and skeletal health, but that […]

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Vitamin K2 Structure

Building Bone: Part II: Strong Bones for Life, Naturally

Part II: Strong Bones for Life, Naturally Bone is dynamic, living tissue that is constantly being broken down and rebuilt, even in aging adults. Although insufficient dietary calcium and the postmenopausal drop in estrogen have been singled out as the only issues, osteoporosis involves much more than simply a lack of these factors. Normal bone […]

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Building Bone: Part I: The Case Against Bisphosphonates

Bisphosphonates Linked to Severe Side Effects, including Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Although prescribed to 30 million Americans each year, the bisphosphonates, a class of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals for the treatment of numerous disorders affecting bone (including osteoporosis, cancer metastases to bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy, and multiple myeloma), have now been linked to significantly increased risk of […]

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Vitamin K1

Vitamin K2, but not Vitamin K1, is Helpful for bone Density

Vitamin K’s effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of osteopenia/osteoporosis has just been discounted in a WebMD review1 (“Vitamin K: No Help for Bone Density”) of research published Oct. 14, 2008, in PLOS Medicine (Cheung A, et al.)2 In this two-year study, which involved 440 post-menopausal women diagnosed with osteopenia, Canadian researchers, not surprisingly, found […]

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