
Archive | Vitamin D

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Vitamin K2: Optimal Levels Essential for the Prevention of Age-Associated Chronic Disease

Abstract Sufficiency of vitamin K, as K2 specifically, is gaining recognition as a requirement for long term health in many more areas of human physiology than previously realized. The breaking research is revealing a number of roles for vitamin K reaching well beyond coagulation to not only long term cardiovascular and skeletal health, but that […]

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Vitamin D and Vitamin K Team Up to Lower CVD Risk: Part I

Abstract Strong correlations have been noted between cardiovascular diseases and low bone density / osteoporosis—connections so strong that the presence of one type of pathology is considered a likely predictor of the other. This potentially causal relationship has led to the hypothesis that these conditions share core mechanisms. Recent advances in our understanding of the […]

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Cardio MAn

Vitamin D and Vitamin K Team Up to Lower CVD Risk: Part II

Abstract Strong correlations have been noted between cardiovascular diseases and low bone density / osteoporosis—connections so strong that the presence of one is considered a likely predictor of the other. This relationship has led to the hypothesis that these conditions share core pathophysiological mechanisms. Recent advances in our understanding of the complimentary roles played by […]

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Common Genetic Variants and Other Host-related Factors Greatly Increase Susceptibility to Vitamin A Deficiency

Women are at risk of vitamin A deficiency. In his presentation at the 2nd Hohenheim Nutrition Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, November 2009, Dr. Georg Lietz of England’s Newcastle University, the senior investigator in research published April 2009 in the FASEB Journal (and summarized in our June 2009 LMR review, “Vitamin A – Tolerance Extends Longevity”), […]

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Vitamin K2 Structure

Building Bone: Part II: Strong Bones for Life, Naturally

Part II: Strong Bones for Life, Naturally Bone is dynamic, living tissue that is constantly being broken down and rebuilt, even in aging adults. Although insufficient dietary calcium and the postmenopausal drop in estrogen have been singled out as the only issues, osteoporosis involves much more than simply a lack of these factors. Normal bone […]

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