
Archive | Anti-aging

Sirtuin Deacetylation Reaction

Resveratrol, Niacin, Nicotinamide Riboside: Key Players in Activating Sirtuins to Mimic Calorie Restriction & Extend Lifespan, Part I

Abstract In just the last 30 years, molecular biologists have discovered genes with the potential to extend longevity: SIR2 in yeast and its mammalian equivalent, SIRT1. In animal models, SIRT1, via the enzymes it encodes, has been shown to have healthspan extending regulatory effects on metabolism, stress resistance, cellular survival, cellular senescence, inflammation-immune function, endothelial […]

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Resveratrol Mitochondria Chart

Resveratrol, Niacin, Nicotinamide Riboside: Key Players in Activating Sirtuins to Mimic Calorie Restriction & Extend Lifespan, Part II

Abstract In just the last 30 years, molecular biologists have discovered genes with the potential to extend longevity: SIR2 in yeast and its mammalian equivalent, SIRT1. In animal models, SIRT1, via the enzymes it encodes, has been shown to have healthspan extending regulatory effects on metabolism, stress resistance, cellular survival, cellular senescence, inflammation-immune function, endothelial […]

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A vicious cycle drives mitochondrial decay in aging

Beyond the Mitochondrial Tune Up: Part III

Part III: Restoring Mitophagy – the Key To Mitochondrial Rejuvenation Introduction Mitochondrial decay resulting from oxidative damage accumulates with age and is universally recognized as a major contributing factor to the whole range of functional decline and tissue deterioration associated with aging.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part I of this review discussed Bruce […]

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Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation (Electron Transport Chain)

Beyond the Mitochondrial Tune Up: Part II

Part II: The Methylation – Transsulfuration Connection to Mitochond Introduction Mitochondrial decay resulting from oxidative damage accumulates with age and is universally recognized as a major contributing factor to the whole range of functional decline and tissue deterioration associated with aging.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Part I of this review discussed Bruce Ames’ […]

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Krebs Cycle

Beyond the Mitochondrial Tune Up: Part I

Part I: Delaying the Mitochondrial Decay of Aging Introduction Mitochondrial decay resulting from oxidative damage is known to accumulate with age and is universally recognized as a major contributing factor to the whole range of functional decline and tissue deterioration associated with aging.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Age-associated changes in mitochondria are characterized […]

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